Vissza a Hírfolyamra

Túri Fullánkok Nemzetközi Vizilabda Torna

2021. augusztus 27.
For the fourth time, the International Water Polo Tournament of Túri Pigeons was held on August 20-24, with the participation of both our adolescent and youth teams. 

Adolescent Cup results:

Sopron - Szentes: 19-6
Budafóka - Sopron: 8-8
Sopron - Fehérvár: 4-5
Hódmezővásárhely - Sopron: 3-11

Bronze match: 
Kecskemét - Sopron: 14-6

Our team finished in 4th place. 

Youth Cup results:

Sopron - Mezőtúr: 10-8
Hódmezővásárhely - Sopron: 9-7 
Kecskemét - Sopron: 20-9
Sopron - Lake Balaton: 6-12

Placement match:
Mezőtúr - Sopron: 7-8

Our team finished in 7th place.

"We had a balanced, good performance in the adolescent tournament. Overall, we could be happy. We played great matches against teams that are currently in a higher class than we are. Nevertheless, we only performed poorer in one match. to prepare for the tournament.
Our youth team consisted mainly of the adolescent guard. We did a great job here too, but we were tired of the third match, which unfortunately also left its mark on the first playoff match. We managed to gather ourselves for the division match and closed the cup with a victory. 
We finished in 7th place overall. 
Given our opponents and our current situation, this is also an excellent result. 
Both cups served our preparation for the tournament perfectly.